Osaka Fashion Episode 8: Nahoko at Flotsam Zine Fest

Despite the bookstore being located in Tokyo, Flotsam Books has made me some of my most interesting Osaka connections. One of my favorite people who’s connected with Flotsam Books is Zine writer, music enthusiast, and scenester Nahoko Otsuka, whom I caught up with at this year’s Flotsam Books Zine Fest at the I See All clothing shop.

When did you decide to write a zine?
I haven’t decided yet haha. I don’t think too much about it. I’m just having fun. Since when I was a child, I like collaging anything. First, I was making zines with illustrations, then the person who was the owner of a zine shop in Osaka suggested making zines about the band Deerhunter because I am a huge fan of them. And I am lucky enough to have opportunities to talk with artists directly. The situation made me scared in a way firstly, but the member’s personalities are also soooooo beautiful like their music. My first music zine series was Monolith from 2012. Other Zine names I’ve used are Quick Canal and Love Buzz.

When did you start getting interested in non-Japanese bands?
I grew up in an area that has a red-light district, and my uncle played blues all the time so maybe I got used to that atmosphere, But what hugely influenced me from another country first was Nirvana via MTV in the ’90s when I was 8 or 9. At the time MTV was playing Smells Like Teen Spirit every day. Since then, I have been into the music itself and found that American music contained a lot of meaning. I don’t remember which song was it now, but Beck Hansen sang about the ordinary family living in the suburbs of the States with sarcasm, living in suburbia and going to a mall on weekends, then drinking coffee at Starbucks. I don’t like shopping malls and Starbucks, but I was thinking about the people and house scenery so many times, and as for me until a certain time, it became one of my dreams because the views of American suburbs are colorful, like in a film by Tim Burton. Now in Japan, many people do the same things on weekends but it is completely not what I imagined exactly. The music reflects so many things and has aspects like humans.

Who are your top ten bands?
Lotus Plaza / Atlas Sound / Deerhunter / Cindy Lee / Talking Heads / David Bowie / Free Kitten / Beastie Boys / Black Lips / Hole
Did the bands have an effect on your fashion?
All the time. I wish I were suitable in black like The Ramones but unfortunately I’m not, so eventually have to be yourself. I don’t buy fast fashion and just only fashion is not my world. I always rely on a few people who handle that sphere. I always go to their shop, and ask what I should wear. Like at I See All. If I choose anything, it tends to be classic. 

What bands did you write about in your Zines?
Including my free zine, I have to say a lot of bands. The main ones are Deerhunter, Lotus Plaza, and Atlas Sound, and I also said a little bit of the music from Atlanta, including Moses Archuleta’s solo project Moon Diagrams, Black Lips, OMNI, and Balkans. And, related sounds to them like The B-52’s, The Cramps, Lonnie Holley. After going to music festivals like All Tomorrow’s Parties, I make zines with photos, there are so many artists so it’s a bit endless. I also made a zine of Nirvana and Hole as a memory of my childhood. I liked Veruca Salt, Breeders, and Sonic Youth as well when I was a kid, so I think I made a free zine and handed it out at some art fairs in Japan.

Have you done interviews for your Zines?
Never. Lockett Pundt, a lead singer of Lotus Plaza and a guitarist of Deerhunter, had written some messages in my zine before, but I feel like if I’m going to ask them for an interview or something formal, I have to offer it to them as a job. It’s an amazing thing in my life to be able to interact and talk with my favorite musicians, but if I’m going to ask them about their music and their works, I think I should treat them as professionals, not personally…

I was kind of expecting you to wear a band t-shirt today since we had talked about our favorites before, but what are you wearing today?
The shirt is vintage that I got at Vacation in San Francisco. The t-shirt is Base Range from I See All. The belt is Maryam Nassir Zadeh from Hibi Omise in Nakatsu. I borrowed the shorts from my daughter. I don’t know the brand! The sandals I just got at some summer sale last year, and the bag is by Plasticity which is made from disposable plastic umbrellas.

What Zines do you recommend?
One of my role models, or influences for my zine is Kathy Zine by Team Kathy. There are three people in the collective, a member of them, Atsuko Nishiyama, is really cool and knowledgeable, and her writing also has humor! I respect her and I’ve read her writing, translating as much as I can.  And also Sonic Death, you know famous fan art, I love them, so I’m not sure if I have affected them for my zines or not, but I still love them.  Two years ago, I met RED LEBANESE from France in Tokyo Art Book Fair. They do publish and release music too. I don’t think they are zines, but maybe flyers. 

Are there good fashion-based Zines?
I’m sorry, I don’t know well. I love the fashion of Kim Gordon and the Riot Grrrl movement in the 90s. But I know it from books, not zines. I like reading articles about Yves Saint Laurent, the designer himself, so if I have time, I’m thinking that I would like to try to write about him.
I think You Go Girl is pretty good.
Yes, the writer LaysLieLie is so cool!

What are your favorite band shirts in your collection?

Deerhunter. They are so nice and cool!

Not my usual taste, but I love this TLC shirt.

This spring, I saw Terry Riley‘s shows, and it was overwhelming, he lives in Japan now, so I could see his shows for two days in Yamanashi, the area near Mt. Fuji. On the first day, he played In C, and on the second day, I felt insane, I’m not sure if insane is the right description or not, because of my English, but I can’t explain it from his music. He is definitely a living legendary artist who has been devoted to music for a lifetime. He seemed very happy to play, and it made me extra happy to see it. 

Are there any upcoming events or publications you’d like to promote?
Yes! but I can’t say the details right now. I’ll do the cassette label CASCADE DELETE pretty independently, so progress is my own pace, but I’ll try to do it with cherished artists, music, and I’ll think about the audiences I want to appeal to. If you see my zines somewhere, please check the music and artists out, then Enjoy!


  • John Podeszwa

    A former Minnesotan who came to Osaka in 1997, John spends most of his time traversing the city by bicycle, searching for rare avant-garde LPs, rescuing stray cats, and taking photographs.

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